As far as the resource file, that would be ideal for setting default values? Please oblige as to where it's located...?


Thomas Dickey wrote:
On Wed, 11 Oct 2006, -Patrick wrote:

This may seem trivial to some, but at least to me it affects
productivity. I would like to know how I can change the background-color
of the X- bash shell. So when I do 'startx' at the cygwin shell, I get
the X terminal, which leads to programs like ddd, emacs etc. etc. This
terminal's background is default to the color white. How do I change
this? Further, I would like to change the colors of directories and
executables for easier identification.

It sounds like xterm:

    xterm -fg blue -bg green

You can also set the resource file for xterm to do the same thing.

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