1)       cygwin has been running on my WinXP machine as a charm until I 
installed phpEdit software few days ago. After I installed this software when I 
try to run the program by executing (double clicking the icon) cygwin.bat 
instead of cygwin this newly installed program phpEdit starts to run. It sounds 
some form of hijacking cygwin takes place. 
2)       As an intervention even after I uninstalled phpedit cygwin still fails 
to run. What happens is instead the famous Windows  dialogue box pop ups asking 
which program to use to open cygwin.bat file defaulting to notepad as the best 
program to open it—remember my intention is to run not to see content of file.  
3)       As a second intervention, I unistalled the old cygwin and downloaded a 
fresh setup.exe file and also downloaded and performed a new install even from 
different mirrors. But the problem still persist. Again and again it ask me to 
choose a program to open the “cygwin.bat” file despite the fact that what I 
want is to run not to open. When I use note pad and open the content I only get 
a text file of “cygwin.bat” with the following content:
                     @echo off
                      chdir C:\cygwin\bin
                      bash --login –i
          How can I make cygwin run?  Why particularly this problem is 
manifested after I  
           installed phpEdit?  When cygwin supposed to run when cygwin.bat 
           why phpEdit instead run?  


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