Vladimir Nicolici wrote:
I wonder why RedHat doesn't include this X server instead of Cygwin/X
in the cygwin distribution, especially since, according to the
Cygwin/X home page, the project lost its maintainer 2 years ago.

Chris has already sufficiently responded to correct your misconception about
the relationship between Red Hat and Cygwin.  I'll only say that your
musings on why the Cygwin distribution doesn't include Xming starts with
one major roadblock - we'd need a maintainer to contribute and maintain
the package.  I can't say whether Xming would make it through the ITP
phase but if it won't have a maintainer, it would suffer the same fate as
Cygwin/X right now so there's little clear value to going that route.
Packages don't get into the distribution without someone willing to
maintain it.  Now, if you're suggesting that you would be willing to
become a maintainer for an Xming package in Cygwin, then consult
<http://cygwin.com/contrib.html> and send an ITP notice when you have
a package available.  You'd need to take into account an "upgrade path"
from the current Cygwin/X package if your intent would be to replace the
existing offering.  Then again, maybe this turns out to be the same
amount of work overall as maintaining the existing package so perhaps
it would be better to just take over maintainer-ship of the current
package.  In any case, if you've gathered from all this that the important
part of the equation here is the maintainer, I think you got the point. :-)

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 893-9889 - FAX
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