Larry Hall (Cygwin X) wrote:
Mariana Silva wrote:
I am trying to install cygwin/X in Windows Vista and I get a message
saying that the installation could not be completed. Is there a new version
of cygwin/X for this operational system?
No. The error you got is unlikely to be as a result of Vista. Try a
different mirror.
Also make sure that you run the Cygwin setup as Administrator. This
doesn't just mean that your user account has Administrator rights;
you have to right-click the Cygwin setup.exe and then choose "Run
as Administrator" from the pop-up menu.
FWIW, I have both Cygwin and Xming on my Vista notebook. I use Cygwin
when I need a real shell environment on my Vista machine. I use Xming
and PuTTY when I just need an X server and an ssh session on a remote
Solaris or Linux box. Both work great!
Hope this helps,
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