Mansoorali Kudsi schrieb:
> Was there any reply to this mail?
> I too face this issue and am eager to know the solution...

No there wasn't.
And as far as i know there is no real solution for this problem, because
the screen depth (amount of colors) changes when using the remote
desktop (reduces to 16 Bit).
Maybe setting the desktop to 16 Bit and using the same resolution will
help, but i haven't tried.

>> --- Burvil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I have my Cygwin/X set up with a root window running
>> > the fluxbox window manager on my desktop.  It works
>> > quite well if I'm logged in to the system itself,
>> > i.e.
>> > I'm physically at the computer.
>> >
>> > However, if I login to my system via remote desktop,
>> > as I often need to do, the screen resolution is
>> > usually lower than that of the desktop, and so I get
>> > the following eror message:
>> >
>> > Disruptive screen resolution change
>> > Restore previous resolution to use Cygwin/X
>> >
>> > Clicking on 'Dismiss' does nothing - it apparently
>> > tries to correct itself, but fails, and the error
>> > message persists until I kill the X server.
>> >
>> > I looked at the following messages, after which I
>> > tried changing startxwin.bat to enable scrollbars
>> > and
>> > making sure color depth was the same on the OS of
>> > the
>> > remote and local systems as well as in cygwin/X
>> > itself.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I also tried setting the root window resolution to
>> > 1024x768, which is a lot more common than the
>> > 1680x1050 on my desktop.  Even when the screen
>> > resolution of the remote system, i.e. where the
>> > system
>> > I'm using remote desktop on, is, say, 1152x864, I
>> > still get the same error message.
>> >
>> > Is there a way to get around this other than getting
>> > a
>> > monitor that's the same resolution as my desktop?
>> >

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