The program I am trying to run is over secure ssh and requires the ability to
run emacs in a separate window from the terminal.  I ran it, but it was unable
to generate the separate window.  So I tried using the -multiwindow thing like
in the user guide (which I don't understand at all, probably because I have
about five weeks of experience with linux), and this is what I got:

A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X will now exit.  Please open
/tmp/XWin.log for more information.
XWin was started with the following command line:
X :0 -multiwindow -clipboard
Fatal server error: cannot open log file "/tmp/XWin.log"

I tried fixing it by reinstalling everything, but that didn't work.  What do I

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Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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