Olumide wrote:
Hi -

Yesterday, I started my X server as usual and followed by an X-application (gnuplot), which refused to start up. At the same time the XWin process stopped working, in fact it had stopped page faulting. On terminating the XWin process I got the following message

XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server "" (IP address changed)
      after 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.


All of this is really strange. The only change/installation I made to my system yesterday was to install a logitech webcam.

Remove it again.  I think you'll find that solves the problems you were
seeing.  Logitech drivers are known to cause problems.  Cygwin is one of
its lucky affected applications. Search the email list archives for "dodgy apps" to find a list of software with buggy versions which can cause
problems like this.

Larry Hall                              http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc.                      (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
216 Dalton Rd.                          (508) 429-6305 - FAX
Holliston, MA 01746

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