More info.  If I open a terminal session in the x window, it is very
responsive.  I can enter any number of shell commands and the response
is great.

However, when I start Eclipse, my x server seems to hang.

While I am seeing poor response on my x server, I can open a simple
telnet session to the remote Linux box and get great response.  From
this I know that the problem is not cpu or memory.

>From everything I see, it appears that mouse move events are not being
sent from my x server window on my pc to the remote system, but that
is only a guess based on observation.  I have no traces to prove that.

What I have seen is that I can open a terminal window in the x
environment and get excellent response.  But as soon as I open
Eclipse, the response dies.

Is anyone aware of incompatabilities between the Eclipse SWT runtime
and Cygwin X ?

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