On Mon, Sep 17, 2007 at 05:02:23PM +0100, Lisa Di lorenzo wrote:
>I'd like to uninstall Cygwin/X from my hard drive, but can't seem to
>find instructions for doing so.?  How should I go about doing this?
>p.s.  I'd like to uninstall it so that I can re-install it, in the
>hopes of having a 'home' directory created for me the second time
>around: C:\cygwin\home\ I read that this should happen if I install
>Cygwin/X to the properly instructed places in the installation guide.?
>Is this correct?

Reinstalling cygwin will not cause it to behave differently the second
time around.  If you need a home directory then just do a "mkdir 
and edit /etc/passwd to reference this location, assuming it is not already
doing so.


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