Michael Defoin Platel wrote:
I just installed a cygwin/x environment on a mahcine with XP running.
Everything seems to be okay. The X server starts smoothly and I can
run some programs such as xeyes, xemacs or display.
However some others such as xterm, xclock, xload fail without any
error message.
For example:
echo $?
The TERM variable is set to cygwin and DISPLAY to localhost:0.0
Does anybody get what's going on ?
# net helpmsg 53
The network path was not found.
This means one of the DLLs the failing application needs can't be found.
'cygcheck xterm' will give you a list of DLLs required and complain about
those that are missing. Make sure the packages with the missing DLLs are
are installed. Repeat for other apps.
Larry Hall http://www.rfk.com
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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