I promise, no more threads, no more questions. I'm simply not used to this and 
I was frustrated.  
The subject line says it all.  I should clarifly that this program was actually 
calling both X11 and Tcl/Tk functions. I didn't think that should be a 
problem. Any ideas? Otherwise, I'll just try Yaakov's suggestion and get the 
new Tcl/Tk using X11 from Cygwin Ports.  I think he guessed the problem right 
from the start. If I have any trouble I'll ask there. Briefly.

----- Original Message ----
From: Christopher Faylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
Sent: Friday, August 8, 2008 6:36:15 PM
Subject: Re: Segmentation fault from Tk_Init() call whle running X11

On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 12:10:57PM -0700, Michael Rogers wrote:
>This is spill-over from my eariler thread about trying to get a
>graphing library working that uses X11 with Tcl/Tk.  But I think this
>is what it's come down to.  But it seems like a pretty basic Tcl/Tk
>problem so I figured it was time to start a new thread about it.

A new thread, once again complete with incomprehensibly long lines.  Oh


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