I found a log file called XWin.log and it immediately told me what was
" winScreenInit - Monitors do not all have same pixel format / display
Using primary display only. "
As an experiment, I tried setting both my monitors to 1200x1024 at
16-bit depth. XWin then launched and worked as expected. Curiously,
I found that I can set my monitors to different settings AFTER I start XWin
and it seems to be quite happy to carry on working. It just doesn't seem
to like *starting* if the monitor settings are different, which is a pity.
Armed with my new knowledge I decided to search Google. I'd always thought
that I was unusual in having twin monitors running at different resolutions
but in fact, it seems to be quite common. I found lots of comments about
the same problem - though not all of them about Cygwin. Some were about
a package (project?) called "comp.windows.x". I've never heard of this.
Can anyone tell me if it's connected with Cygwin or is it something totally
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Emmas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com>
Sent: 23 August 2008 09:31
Subject: Can anyone help with a multiple monitor system?
I have a dual-head (twin monitor) setup using a Matrox Millenium G400
graphics card. I've been using this successfully for many years under
Windows and Linux (64Studio).
Using GTK, I've built a myself a small "Hello World" type app. It's just
simple GTK dialog box with a label saying "Hello World" and a 'Close'
button. If I build it under GNU GCC and run it under Linux it runs fine.
However, if I re-boot into Windows and build it under Cygwin, it only
displays properly on my left-hand monitor. If I drag the dialog box to my
right-hand monitor, the dialog gets displayed - but not its contents.
I'm starting my X server by running startxwin.bat which can be found in
c:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin. I've already taken a look within startxwin.bat
I noticed that it offers various command-line switches to Xwin. One of
these is '-multiplemonitors' which I thought might help. I modified
startxwin.bat to add this as an extra parameter when starting Xwin but it
didn't make any difference. Can anyone suggest anything else I could try?
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