
I want to connect from my PC to a RHEL5 server. On my WinXP I installed the
latest cygwin. On the server RHEL5 out of the box is installed, default
window manager is KDE and xdmcp enabled.

If I startxwin on my local machine, login to the server with ssh and export
the DISPLAY to my PC everthing works fine.

If I start
xwin -query server
the login windows appears and after login my KDE stats up. I can open a
konsole, no problem up to now.

But as soon as I press the first button on my keyboard the connection starts
to react extremly slow. I takes about 10 seconds for keystrokes to appear. A
tcpdump shows me that cygwin needs that time to send out the packets with
the information. Is this problem a known bug? Where can I find out more to
debug it? Thank you very much for any hint.

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Schwartzkopff

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