Jon TURNEY wrote:

Can you check if you have the xkbcomp package installed (the upgrade should
have done this automatically), and if xkbcomp is on your path and is runnable?

Obviously, it is installed (see attch.) in /usr/bin, and, for example,

$ xkbcomp.exe -help
Usage: xkbcomp [options] input-file [ output-file ]
Legal options:
-?,-help             Print this message
-a                   Show all actions
-C                   Create a C header file
-em1 <msg>           Print <msg> before printing first error message
-emp <msg>           Print <msg> at the start of each message line
-eml <msg>           If there were any errors, print <msg> before exiting
-dflts               Compute defaults for missing parts
-I[<dir>]            Specifies a top level directory for include
                     directives. Multiple directories are legal.
-l [flags]           List matching maps in the specified files

But I do not know how it should be used.

I'm sorry I don't quite understand where these fonts came from.
If it's something you've installed yourself,

No, I haven't other basic things, as fonts, installed!
For the sake of completeness, I have done a new clean, fresh reinstall,
only Basic+X11 (see attach.), only the 'minimum', but same results.

Note that 'bitstream' are used by default by rxvt, urxvt! See
app-defaults/Urxvt, app-defaults/Rxvt: in my .Xdefault I have only
changed the size. And these fonts works fine with X11R6.99 (see ref. [1]
in my OP).


Attachment: installed.db.bz2
Description: Binary data

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