>>>>> Yaakov  writes:

    > The following packages have been updated in the Cygwin net distribution:
    > *** xorg-cf-files-1.0.2-7

    > This release fixes the definitions of MANPATH, FONTDIR, and ENCODINGSDIR.

Actually only FONTDIR and ENCODINGSDIR.are fixed.

The line with MANPATH comes from Imake.tmpl and is still 

          MANPATH = /usr/man
in the generated Makefiles.

This is from Imake.tmpl:

#ifdef ProjectRoot
#define ManDirectoryRoot Concat(ProjectRoot,/man)
#define ManDirectoryRoot SystemManDirectory
#ifndef ManPath
#define ManPath ManDirectoryRoot
          MANPATH = ManPath             /* top of manual page tree */

and  ProjectRoot seems to be set in site.def:

#ifndef ProjectRoot
#define ProjectRoot /usr
    > Yaakov
    > Cygwin/X


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