----- Original Message ----- 
To: <cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: Keyboard map screwed up after launching xemacs

> Jon TURNEY wrote:
> > Forgive my ignorance about german keyboard usage, but is the tilde
> > character used in some kind of composition sequence which isn't
> > anymore? Or do you just want to type lots of tildes?

(In case that it went down the drain: One is enough,: ~ = -> $HOME :)

> Ok, it seems I can reproduce this by telling Windows I have a german
> (although starting the X server with '-xkblayout de' doesn't seem to
> sufficient, which is somewhat mysterious) and it only affects the
xemacs window.

Great! Thanks for still bearing with me.

> A workaround seems to be to do 'setxkbmap de' before starting xemacs.
> This and other reported problems make me thing something not quite
right about
>   the way we are initializing XKB for an autodetected keyboard layout
> (probably related to MPX changes in the X server), which needs more
> investigation....

I fully agree.


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