On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 02:08:27PM -0800, jchas5 wrote:
>Well the reason I am thinking that I am not getting the X11R7 is that the 
>/usr directory is showing X11R6 with a time stamp of my last install:
>$ ls -ltr
>total 0
>drwxrwx---+  2 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:35 tmp
>drwxrwx---+  2 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:35 src
>drwxrwx---+  5 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:35 local
>drwxrwx---+  9 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:37 X11R6
>drwxrwx---+  6 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:38 ssl
>drwxrwx---+  3 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:40 man
>drwxrwx---+  4 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:40 sbin
>drwxrwx---+ 39 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 27 16:46 include
>drwxrwx---+ 49 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 28 10:30 share
>drwxrwx---+ 36 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 28 10:30 lib
>drwxrwx---+  2 jcklose mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 28 13:48 bin
>Unless it installs in the X11r6 directory in the /usr directory.

Larry suggested reading the release announcement:


It discusses this.  The fact that you still have an X11R6 directory
doesn't mean that the newest version was not installed.

And, if you really require further help, then please don't ignore the
given advice and read this page: http://cygwin.com/problems.html .


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