Yaakov writes:
> > Is there some way the packages could be reworked so that an X-related
> > install or update doesn't try to pull in perl?  It gets tiresome having
> > to uncheck util-linux and perl every time I update my set of machines
> > with setup.exe.
> I'm sorry you have something against perl, but it is a standard, if not
> an essential, part of *NIX systems.  The dependencies are correct;
> startx calls mcookie, which is provided by util-linux.

Thanks for the reply.  Yeah, I know I have a minority viewpoint on perl.  But
like a lot of folks I tend to install only the packages I need for my own
development and for me that happens to not include perl.

I figured out that util-linux contains the chkdupexe perl script, so that's
likely why the util-linux package requires perl.  It just seems kinda curious
(in a vaguely broken way) that X itself doesn't require perl but one can't
install or update Cygwin X without pulling in perl.  Oh well.

In the interests of PTC I could try to figure out a better package to contain
chkdupexe, or mcookie for that matter.  Or recode chkdupexe as a shell script. 
Ow, my head hurts just thinking about that.  Much easier to uncheck the
setup.exe box if I want to keep from installing perl.
Thanks again & Cheers,


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