May I say in its defence (after a bit more experimenting) that when
comparing Cygwin-X/gtk-x11 against gtk-win32, X's text handling is
noticeably superior at high resolutions (at least, on my system).  With my
monitor set to 1600x1200, Cygwin-X's text is still crisp and clear - whereas
gtk-win32's looks decidedly fuzzy.

Anyway, I wanted to try working in 'rooted' mode to see if this would
improve the flickering that I reported yesterday.  Normally I start X just
by running the batch file startxwin.bat.  Looking in that file I can see
that the command to start X is:-

%RUN% XWin -multiwindow -multiplemonitors -clipboard -silent-dup-error

Perhaps naively I figure that if I changed it to this:-

%RUN% XWin -clipboard -silent-dup-error

I'd get a single monitor in the 'rooted' mode that John referred to
yesterday (i.e. able to use DirectDraw).  However, there seems to be more to
it than that.  The above line causes xserver to run in a very flickery
window, as if something isn't set up properly.

What do I need to do to see the DirectDraw feature in action?


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