km4hr wrote:
> This is an update on my hard-fought attempt to get "-query" access to
> linux
> xdmcp server running CentOS 5 from my Windows PC running cygwin-x.
> I installed X-Win32 (a commercial X-server) on my Windows PC. Unlike
> cygwin-x and Xming the X-Win32 server does detect available xdmcp
> when
> I use the "-broadcast" switch. But I can only get a login prompt one
> them, an HPUX host. My linux box is in the broadcast list but X-Win32
> won't
> connect to it. No reason or error message is given. I may go ahead and
> purchase a copy X-Win32 just so I can get their tech support people
> involved.
> Anyway, my question is, why won't cygwin-x bring up the same "-
> broadcast"
> list as X-Win32?
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

The XWin -broadcast option connects to "the first XDM machine to 
respond".  I can only assume that your Linux box responded first, but 
denied access for the same reason that -query fails.

I think you are looking in the wrong place for the answer.  Your mail 
about the -ac option also suggests you are blaming XWin.  It is the 
Linux box which is denying you access, and you need to look on that 
box for the answer.

Try looking in the logs on your Linux box as Jon suggested.  Reading 
the man pages for your distro will tell you where the logs are.  Try 
"man xdm" and "man xauth", for a start.  You are also likely to get 
less speculative answers by asking on the forum specific to your 
Linux distribution.

Perhaps it would be better if you told us what you are trying to 
achieve rather than what you are attempting in order to achieve it.  
In other words, you have told us that you can't connect using -query, 
rather than WHY you are trying to connect using XDMCP.  If you are 
simply trying to get Linux apps to display on your Windows box, then 
you are probably better off using the ssh -Y method rather than

If you haven't done so already, the FAQ should give you some useful
pointers, particularly sections 6 & 7:
Also try:


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