The "two empty DOS windows" are conhost.exe sessions, according to Task Manager.

- Jim

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 2:13 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C
<> wrote:

> I have installed Windows 7 RC1 (64-bit) as well as Cygwin 1.7,
> including the Xorg stuff in the Cygwin setup-1.7.exe file
> I can start the X server OK, as well as xterm and xemacs.
> When I start an xterm by right-clicking on the X server icon in the
> system tray, in addition to the Xterm windows, I also get what appears
> to be two empty DOS windows - one with xwin.exe in the window title,
> one with xterm.exe in the window title.  When I close the xterm, those
> two DOS windows also disappear.
> Can anyone speculate why this is happening?
> The system is running a clean install of all this new stuff.

Jim Reisert AD1C/Ø, <>,

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