summary: After upgrading from X to 7.4-1, I had font
problems, but could launch an xterm from the new cygwin. After
attempting to fix that by installing fonts, I cannot launch an xterm
from the new cygwin.


I'm attempting to debug a problem with the cygwin upgrade I attempted
today (25 May 09). I haven't upgraded for about a year, so I went from
xorg-x11-* version= to version=7.4-1. (For details of the
old config, see

Note that, 

* while `cygcheck` shows my winXP=SP2, I believe it's actually SP3,
  and up-to-date, except for WGA.

* I'm able to switch between my old and new cygwins by changing
  windows paths and cygwin mounts. The old cygwin still works
  correctly: I'm using it to compose and send this post.

) I initially upgraded to the configuration represented by

It had font-related problems:

0 When I started my initial xterm (via a copy of startXwin.bat), I
  noticed that it showed a toolbar, whereas my previous cygwin's xterms
  did not. Is that working as designed?

1 When I started my initial xterm, I noticed that all the chars in the
  toolbar were in the same huge font, though the body text of the
  xterm is normal.

When I run emacs from the initial xterm

$ emacs --debug-init &

I get the following problems

3 In the launching xterm: I see the error text

> Warning: Cannot convert string 
> "-*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-*" to type FontStruct
> Warning: Cannot convert string 
> "-*-helvetica-medium-r-*--*-120-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1" to type FontStruct

4 In the launched emacs: all char in its menubar were in same huge font
  as the launching xterm's menubar.

5 In the launched emacs: all char in the body of its frame (i.e. where
  the text of a file would display) displayed as boxes, i.e. as

After perusing the cygwin-xfree archives, I decided I needed to
install fonts. Instead of being cautious, I just installed all the
font-* packages, resulting in the configuration

but something went horribly wrong, since now I can't even launch an
xterm :-( When I run my startXwin.bat, 

0 the window for that batch file pops up briefly

1 the window for Xwin.exe opens briefly, then closes

and I never get my xterm. When I try to open an xterm (or emacs) by
right-clicking on the X in my tray and then choosing Applications>
xterm, nothing happens. (The only thing that I'm able to open with
tray>rclick>Applications is notepad.)

What should I do to fix this?

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