I had problems with all the clipboard managers I tried (4 or 5), until
I upgraded my X-Org Server about 10 days ago.
Now most problems are solved.
Alister Hood wrote:
I've found that -clipboard clashes with Windows clipboard history
managers such as Ditto. Does anybody know of a clipboard manager with
which it does work?
If I run glipper in a linux panel in Colinux, then I can use that, and I
imagine I could compile them for Cygwin instead, but the panel is
handled as a window (I'm using -multiwindow), and I'd rather use a
native Windows clipboard manager anyway, so I can only start X when I
need to.
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Danilo Turina
Software Developer
OND Network Management
Rieti (Italy)
Phone: +39 0746 600332
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