Charles Wilson wrote:
Try this:

I have tried your script. It creates 6 logs (attached) and NO stackdump!!. But if one tries to copy/paste something, the 'clipboard'/system hangs...

Try adding --notty to each invocation of checkX...that works for me.

It seems that it works also for me! It creates only 2 logs (without stackdump and clipboard problems):

$ cat checkX_0.log checkX_1.log
5 [main] checkX 3612 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening input console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win32 error 5 958 [main] checkX 3612 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening output console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win32 error 5
starting xserver
4 [main] checkX 3876 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening input console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win32 error 5 19455 [main] checkX 3876 fhandler_console::fixup_after_fork_exec: error opening output console handle for /dev/console after fork/exec, errno 13, Win32 error 5

but the massages of checkX are flagged by Windows to which one should click OK, OK,...

Anyway, currently, I am adopting another way to start X and friends, a method that does not uses checkX.


Attachment: checkX-logs.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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