Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
Cygwin/X has been updated to X.Org X11R7.5.

It seems that after this upgrade, my GTK build[*] of Emacs has some problem.

First, the link on desktop with which I start Emacs does not work any
more. It was created with:

emacs_cmd="G_SLICE=always-malloc emacs -display &"
mkshortcut -AD \
    -n "${emacs}" \
    -a "bash -l -c '${emacs_cmd}'" \
    -i /usr/local/bin/emacs.ico \
    -d "Editor di testo" \

i.e. its target is:

C:\cygwin-2\bin\run.exe bash -l -c 'G_SLICE=always-malloc emacs -display &'

But if I run from an X shell or MinTTY:

$ G_SLICE=always-malloc emacs -display &

it starts with the following warnings:

(emacs:2632): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GSUB table 0x6EAD

(emacs:2632): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GPOS table 0x6EAD

and seems to work.

Before this upgrade, i.e. with X11R7.4, it started without problems.

The problems arise only with GTK build.

The X server is started with a link on desktop (created likewise that of

C:\cygwin-2\bin\run.exe bash -l -c 'rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix; XWin
-multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error &'

which I have put also in Start | Programs | Automatic Execution

Also rebuilding from scratch does not help.


[*] I did the build (usually with sources from CVS head) configuring with:

${source_dir}/configure --prefix=/usr/local/emacs

i.e. GTK is the default. Adding '--with-x-toolkit=lucid' makes the
'Xaw3d' build.

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