On 11/11/2009 07:40, Fergus wrote:
I have made no alterations/ patches/ amendments and have a completely
current [1.7] system.

For all of
cygwin1.7.61.dll - cygwin1.7.64.dll
the command
run XWin
fails with a reference to /vat/log/XWin.0.log which reads
Can't read lock file /tmp/.X0.lock

But when reverting to
everything goes ahead smoothly and correctly and I can start a X
terminal etc.

Q1. Is it still the case that this problem is "not well understood" as
in this reference?

(My experiments with possible cause/ cure are confounded because on
Machine 1 I have NTFS filesystems but lack administrator rights and on
Machine 2 where I am Administrator, all filesystems are FAT32.)

Perhaps this FAQ needs a bit of clarification.

Creating the lockfile will fail if /tmp is on a FAT32 filesystem, for the reasons outlined in Corinna's email. (although I guess this may have behaved differently in some 1.7.x beta version if you haven't seen it there)

For reasons which I don't currently understand, creating the lockfile also reportedly fails sometimes for people who have /tmp on a NTFS filesystem.

If you can contribute some information which might help in solving this problem, please do so at [1]

[1] http://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9778

Q2. Is there anything obvious in the progression from cygwin1.7.60.dll
to cygwin1.7.61.dll that might explain why the start command run XWin
works with 1.7.60 and fails with 1.7.61?


Q3. Confession: I am completely confused by all recent posts about LANG,
locale and all the rest. Are fiddling with LANG or applying patches such
as described at
fixes intended to address problems starting XWin?

If you are not setting LANG (or are setting it to C.UTF-8) and have xorg-server-1.7.1-2, you will probably experience random crashes in multiwindow mode)

Until there is a new libX11 release, if you are experiencing such crashes, applying that patch in that email OR setting LANG to something more sensible (e.g. en_GB.UTF-8) should resolve that problem.

Thank you.


PS Not quite "finally". Can I please ask a 4th question:

Q4 Why are questions about X specifically directed to a different
mailing list? Apart from occasional high-frequency dialogue as at
present, posts about X are (or seem to me to be) no more frequent than
posts about grep or ls or chmod or ... . The "main" Cygwin list has a
much higher readership and posts directed there might generate many
useful hints, tips, experiences, fixes or even solutions?

I am lazy and don't read the main list :-)

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