On 24/08/2009 23:05, Brian Sheppard wrote:
I installed Cygwin/X (latest version, according to the Cygwin installer) on
my laptop. I use Putty with X11 forwarding to connect to a Red Hat Linux
system. I start the X windows server on my laptop using startxwin.bat as
installed. After logging in to the Red Hat system, I execute gnome-session&,
and the gnome desktop shows on my Windows desktop. So far, so good.

I am testing a Java application using a tool called Abbot. Abbot launches
your Java Swing app within Abbot’s JVM. Abbot reads the coordinates of Swing
components from internal Java objects, and then issues mouse and keystroke
commands to simulate user actions according to a script.

My observation is that the mouse clicks are off target. Specifically, Abbot
is aiming to hit the exact center of each component, but it misses either
high or low. (Left and right centering seem fine.)

The amount of the miss has something to do with my Task Bar. When the
Windows Task Bar is locked at top, then the clicks miss below (i.e., lower
on the screen) the intended component. When the Task Bar is docked to the
right, left, or bottom, or if it is at the top and set to auto-hide then
mouse clicks miss above the intended component.

Thanks for the problem report.

I did some testing against Xserver 1.7.1 with xevent [1] and xdotool [2] to position the mouse pointer, but I wasn't able to reproduce the behaviour you are seeing.

I really have no idea how to get started using abbot to reproduce the problem you see, a simple test case would help a lot here.

[1] http://www.isv.uu.se/~ziemann/xevent/
[2] http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/

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