On 10/02/2010 12:36, Humann, Wolfram wrote:
I'm not sure I can provide something much more useful than the lame "it worked in a 
previous installation" -- that's why I consider downgrading. Here's what I can 

- My current cygwin is version 1.7.1-1, my Cygwin/X is
- I run 'XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -emulate3buttons'
- Then I use ssh to log into a remote Linux machine and start a konsole window
- From the konsole I start various applications all of which work fine except 
   large company-owned application which crashes with a SIGSEGV
- Only the application crashes, the konsole and all other running remote apps 
continue to work

Sad to say, this probably indicates a bug in your company application, so you should report it to those responsible for maintaining it.

Even if the X server is returning something invalid, it could do something more helpful, like exit with an error, rather than crash :-)

- The application works fine when I'm locally on the Linux machine I log into
- It also works fine when I use Xming (version instead of Xwin,
   but Xming has several other problems (e.g. clipboard)
- It also worked fine on my previous PC where I had cygwin 1.5.24 with Xwin

Unless someone can provide instructions how to find the rootcause for the
SIGSEGV I would consider downgrading to something close to my older version
and see if that helps.

1. gdb --args your-mystery-application
2. Wait for the '(gdb)' prompt, type 'run'
3. Do whatever you do to make the crash happen. You should get another '(gdb)' prompt, type 'bt full'

If the backtrace shows the crash is in a toolkit or X library, then this might be worth addressing in the X server.

> I already tried to downgrade just Xwin and
downloaded XWin.20081204180806.exe.bz2 and XWin.20090629103603.exe.bz2
form ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/ but that alone did not help. A colleague
has the same problem, so it's not just my installation.

Is there an archive of old versions?

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