On 03/02/2010 19:11, Jon TURNEY wrote:
You really deserved to succeed after paying such good attention to the man-pages.
This deformation ;o) as to do with my studies at EPITA (Paris, FRANCE). Where we, students, were very oftenly told: "RTFM!". And at the end, you finally understand that manpages in Unices are a gold mine of information about softwares, languages, configuration files, etc.

I think you will find that setting the shortcut to 'run C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "/usr/bin/startxwin.exe -- -dpi 90"' should succeed in passing the dpi option down to startxwin. Note that the quotes around the entire command after bash's -c option, which are needed, otherwise bash will interpret the '-- -dpi 90' as options for itself.
Thanks a lot. That did it, it works again as I expect.


Alexandre Beaugy

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