On 2010-02-25 12:56, Joseph Ess wrote:
Really? I looked. Your definition of "clear" and mine must be different.
The xinit(1) man page suggests an ~/xinitrc like so:

xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid gray&
xclock -g 50x50-0+0 -bw 0&
xload -g 50x50-50+0 -bw 0&
xterm -g 80x24+0+0&
xterm -g 80x24+0-0&

Note that the last line does NOT have a '&'.  Quoting from xinit(1):

 An important point is that programs which are run by .xinitrc should be
 run in the background if they do not exit  right  away,  so  that  they
 don’t prevent other programs from starting up.  However, the last long-
 lived program started (usually a window manager or  terminal  emulator)
 should  be  left in the foreground so that the script won’t exit (which
 indicates that the user is done and that xinit should exit).


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