On 07/01/2010 05:13, Bennett, Tony wrote:
I a using Xwin to connect to an AIX system using XDMCP.

This was working fine on an old version of Xwin,
As long as I used the "-kb" command line argument
(there was an old post in the FAQ, suggesting that parameter
As the workaround for AIX not handling "keyboard extensions").

I just downloaded on another Win-XP system, and discovered
That -kb is no longer supported.  Without that argument, I am able
To successfully connect using XDMCP, but after opening my 2nd
Xterm, the window "freezes" up... neither mouse or keyboard
Seems to function with it (which was the same symptom I had on
The old version prior to adding the "-kb" startup parm.

Thanks for pointing out the FAQ 5.1.5 is out of date, I'll fix that.

The Xming troubleshooting page has some more up-to-date advice [1],
but I can't personally check that.

[1] http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/trouble.php#head-142

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