On 27/03/2010 21:53, Mark McConnell wrote:
(Please forgive the repost - this version has the attachments mentioned)

After installing Cygwin 1.7.2 for the first time on Windows Server 2008 SP2,
I discovered that I could not connect to a remote host using Cygwin's ssh,
if X is forwarded.

ssh -X host or ssh -Y host :  program becomes unresponsive.

I've attached the output of cygcheck -s -v -r to this message, and
/var/log/XWin.0.log.  I should mention as an aside that there are other
clues that my Cygwin installation is flawed (a local gvim gui will not
display, man dumps core).

Given that, I'm thinking that the problem you describe with the xauth subprocess is probably symptomatic of some deeper problem with you installation or environment.

You should probably ask for help on the main cygwin list.

Below, I describe two experiments that indicate that my X forwarding problem
is somehow related to xauth* and its PPID:

### 'ssh -X host gui'  displays if the PPID of xauth* is killed ###
First, I open a new mintty window within the Cygwin environment and issue
the command to start gvim on the remote server, using the forwarded X
display.  No gui is displayed.  The cursor returns below the prompt.  ^d or
^c do not terminate the process ( however, I can suspend it from that window
by typing ^z, and I can return it to the foreground with "fg<job>" ).

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