
I used to work with Hummingbird Exceed earlier and then shifted to
putty due to lack of an X-server. However, now I would like to move
back to an X environment and therefore experimenting with Cygwin-X. My
setup is that I have a Windows machine and I remotely connect to a
linux box via ssh.

Considering this I have installed Cygwin and then I run startxwin.sh.
This opens an Xterm. Then I follow the following procedure:

1) Do an xterm -T "mercury" to open up xterms with titles.
2) Do an ssh on mercury to login to linux box.

I face the following issues -

1) The name of the new window is not mercury, it has now changed.
Since I need to open many such windows, I need to name them. Can you
tell me how to accomplish the same?
2) I also need to change the default font. Currently it is too small.
I prefer a fixed widht font with UTF-8 character set as default. Can
anybody suggest something?

Many Thanks in Advance,

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