Brian Timares (me! self-replying) wrote:
>However this discussion more properly belongs on a more general Cygwin
>list.  I'll see if it makes sense to post a suggestion there.

I found something where cgf says the big reason remembered installs
aren't done are because it takes someone with the time and skills to do
it (SHTDI).

I found this
which kinda does what I want.  It is still more trouble than I want, but
less than giving someone a list of n packages that I've found useful and
expecting them to go through the list.  Mike, that might be worth a try,
though I don't know if it would still work.

On considering the later link I realize that it might not be 100% as
simple as just saving out a list, unless installing package X
automatically and at that point did dependency resolution.

I find discussions of this going back to 2002, but the search for the
main mail list timed out on me.  Anyway, I have to get back to work so
I'll try to post to the main list after work.

Brian Timares

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