On 8/31/2010 7:06 PM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 16/08/2010 11:57, Ryan Johnson wrote:
The latest versions of the X server put a glass pane over the windows taskbar -- you have to click on it and then wait several seconds before it responds
and gets out of the way.

This seems related to the previous problem of generally slow response to key

Has anyone else run into this?

I don't see any behaviour like that, and I can't really visualize what you are describing. Can you upload some screenshots somewhere?

Facts which might be relevant:
- do you have the taskbar set to autohide?
- what version of Windows are you using?
- is this the same problem as you mentioned at [1]?

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2010-08/msg00011.html

Sorry my description was so vague. It is indeed the same problem as in [1] (I thought maybe the other had gotten lost in the shuffle and reposted it).

Basically, you know how the previous bug would make X apps unresponsive to key presses and mouse events until you did an alt-tab to "wake" them? Now I never get that any more but I get virtually the same behavior with my XP Pro non-autohide task bar, which is docked on the left side of my screen. If I mouse over systray icons, the tooltips don't appear. Mousing over the window entries doesn't make them highlight. Clicking on a window's entry or the 'start' button does nothing. It really is like something invisible sits over the whole area and intercepts all mouse events. The behavior continues for around 5 seconds or until I alt-tab some other window to foreground (whichever comes first). This doesn't always happen, and it only happens when an X window is in the foreground.


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