On 27/08/2010 16:52, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 16/08/2010 07:35, Steffen Sledz wrote:
Am 13.08.2010 13:09, schrieb Jon TURNEY:
Now testuser0002 tries to start another server in parallel.
This gives this error:

/usr/bin/startxwin: Resource temporarily unavailable (errno 11): Another X
server instance is running on DISPLAY :0

This is expected. As I said, each X server instance must
have a unique display number.

This can't possibly work any other way. If two users both
have an X server with display number 0, to which server should
a client started with DISPLAY=:0.0 connect?

That's clear. I thought (or hoped) that starting X server using the "XWin
Server" menu item automatically searches for an unused display number and
uses it. I think that would be a good default behaviour.

I agree it would be useful, and it is on the todo list [1], but there's a
non-trivial problem to solve first:

How is the display number which the server has allocated communicated to other
processes, so that the users clients appear on the right display?

The fedora -displayfd patch seems to have moved and now lives at [1]

I've built an Xserver including an updated and modified version of this patch and uploaded it at [2]. Perhaps you could give that a try and see if it works for your purposes?

"-displayfd fd
specifies a file descriptor in the launching process. Rather than specify a display number, the X server will attempt to listen on successively higher display numbers, and upon finding a free one, will write the display number back on this file descriptor as a newline-terminated string. The -pn option is ignored when using -displayfd."

If you start the X server first and then launch everything from the traymenu,
everything would works fine, as the X server places a correct DISPLAY variable
into the environment inherited by the child process.

But if you start the X server via xinit/startx/startxwin, the display number
needs to be communicated back to xinit, so that the correct display number is
used for clients which are subsequently started by xinit.

I've also patched xinit/startxwin so they transparently handle the -displayfd X server option, uploaded at [3],[4]. They handle the -displayfd option specially to modify the fd number passed to the Xserver so they can read it's output and set the display number correctly for clients which xinit/startxwin starts, then write that display number to the originally specified fd.

(Patch to follow. Note that this patch probably won't apply to a stock xinit-1.2.1 as it's based on top of the patch which adds startxwin)

Fedora ships with a patch [2] which adds the -displayfd option, which
allocates a display number and writes it to the specified fd. But to be useful
to us, xinit would needs some code to use that flag (under some circumstances)
and read that display number and use it for the clients it creates.

There's also the case where the user explicitly sets DISPLAY programmatically
or manually before starting clients. I think with some suitable shell
scripting, -displayfd probably can be used for that also.

Something along the lines of adding '-displayfd 3 3>~/.display' to the Xserver invocation, and then 'export DISPLAY=:`cat ~/.display`' to ~/.bashrc might be sufficient.

[1] http://x.cygwin.com/devel/todo.html

[1] http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/gitweb/?p=xorg-x11-server.git;a=tree
[2] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20100916-git-df5773ea3927d9c1.exe.bz2
[3] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/startxwin.exe
[4] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/xinit.exe

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