On 07/10/2010 02:10, baykus derki wrote:
I am having an annoyance regarding dual monitors use. All my X apps
open on the secondary monitor. Is there a solution to this issue? I
move them to 1st monitor and close them there but they do not seem to
remember the window positions.

I can't reproduce this problem. X windows which aren't explicitly placed appear on the primary monitor for me.

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Perhaps you should read the link above and try again including enough information for someone to try reproducing your problem.

Facts which might be interesting include (but are not limited to):

Your /var/log/Xwin.0.log
The size and arrangement of your monitors, and which one is configured as the primary monitor for windows
An example of an application you are using which shows the problem

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FAQ:                   http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/

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Documentation:         http://x.cygwin.com/docs/
FAQ:                   http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/

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