On 28/10/2010 02:41, David T-G wrote:
Jon, et al --

...and then Jon TURNEY said...
% On 25/10/2010 11:25, David T-G wrote:
%>Any more ideas? :-(
% But perhaps you mean that gvim is the only application which shows this
% problem?

Yup -- so far, anyway.

% You might compare the appearance of the fonts shown by 'xfd -fa Courier'
% and 'xfd -fn -*-courier-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*' to test that.

I'm back with xfd loaded now.  Sure enough, the two are distinctly
different; the former is smaller than the latter, although not so tiny as
to be invisible as in gvim.  This sure sounds like a lead, though!

I am leery of posting attachments to the mailing list, so I haven't
attached screen shots of the xfd layouts.  In addition, I ran xlsfonts
and it generated 2582 lines; that's probably more than I should paste
here.  Let me know what information I can provide, however.

Soooo...  What do I do to make my fonts all be happy?

The fonts aren't supposed to be visually identical, as they are potentially different fonts being draw by different renderers. But the sizes should be approximately the same.

Let me try asking the question a different way: Does 'xfd -fa "Courier-10:style=Bold"' show a reasonably sized font at the same time as gvim, with that font set, doesn't? (In which case one might conclude this is probably a gvim bug)

I don't think this is quite the same problem as reported by Frédéric Bron, as you don't seem to be using -resize.

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