On 15/12/2010 16:14, Ken Olum wrote:
> On the Mandriva 2010.1 host, /usr/lib64/libGL.so.1 is from
> lib64mesagl1-7.8.1-6mdv2010.1.  On the RHEL host, it is from
> mesa-libGL-6.5.1-7.8.el5.


I was able to reproduce your problem using Centos 5.5 (no RHEL for me :-))

> I have not tried other OpenGL programs, but I can run glxinfo without
> a crash on either machine.  I attach the results.  They are not the
> same.  In particular, I was surprised to find that RHEL reports
> "direct rendering: No" while Mandriva reports "direct rendering: Yes",
> although I don't know if this matters when one is running over the
> network anyway.

Yes, this is the significant difference:  The more recent libGL is able to
provide direct rendering using the xlib driver, where the software OpenGL
renderer is used at the client to render to a pixmap, which is then
transferred using xlib to the server.

Unfortunately, some rather fragile linkage tricks are used at the moment to
make indirect rendering function dispatch work, and it seems they have been
broken when we updated to mesa 7.8.

I've updated them to fix the problem, and uploaded a Xserver snapshot at [1].
 Please give that a try and see if it fixes your problem, if you can.

I would suggest that for an application like ParaView, you will probably get
much better performance if you use the experimental hardware accelerated
OpenGL -wgl mode, see [2] for details.

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20110102-git-29db9091c6ae4995.exe.bz2
[2] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree-announce/2010-11/msg00000.html

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