On 1/3/2011 2:41 PM, chm wrote:
On 1/3/2011 2:32 PM, chm wrote:
On 1/3/2011 12:54 PM, chm wrote:
On 1/3/2011 11:55 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 02/01/2011 01:11, chm wrote:
I'm having a problem with cygwin 1.7.7
and X version where an OpenGL
application from perl using the Mesa3D
binding dies in the test with a segfault:

X related questions belong on the cygwin-xfree list.

A fatal error has occurred and Cygwin/X
will now exit.

Caught signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
Server aborting.

Please open /var/log/xwin/XWin.0.log
for more information.

When I close the popup alert, X exits.
The XWin.0.log only has Segmentation
fault at address 0xe.

I've been unable to determine if the
problem is in the perl OpenGL module
code or in the updated X+GLX+Mesa3D.

Even incorrectly written X clients shouldn't make the X server crash, so if
the X server crashes, it is an X server problem.

To reproduce, just download the perl
OpenGL module source:


and extract the directory. cd to the
OpenGL-0.64 directory and run the following

( set -x ; perl Makefile.PL ; make ; make test ) 2>&1 | tee

which should configure, build and run the test
for this module. You will need to have gcc,
perl and opengl installed in your cygwin.

Any help appreciated since I can no longer
develop on cygwin since the X server started
crashing...not even to fix the problem (if
it is the OpenGL module code).

This kind of implies it used to work, but doesn't tell me which version it
worked with.

It worked with cygwin 1.5.25 and earlier. The X that
came with the move to the 1.7.x series was the first
that had the crash.

Anyhow, I've just fixed an OpenGL related problem which looks similar to this,
perhaps you could try the snapshot in [1] and see if that helps.

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2011-01/msg00001.html

I assume this is a binary to replace the existing
XWin.exe....just ran the new XWin.20110102-git-29db9091c6ae4995.exe
and the server did not crash when I ran the test. There was
a problem with a missing font so the text did not display but
I don't know if that was because I did not set something up
correctly in "just running" the XWin program by hand.


I've just added myself to the cygwin-xfree list so this
reply should go through now.

Took a bit more of a look at the font problem and I don't
see anything obvious. The last time I had this problem
it was something related to the X font setup. The crashing
problem is definitely fixed with this XWin.20110102...

I tried passing the new XWin.20110102 as the server option
to startxwin but am still getting the font errors. No
crashes, though.

Final update: I tried on another cygwin install and it worked
out of the box with the new XWin.2011 program.  Then I went
back and tried the original system and it now works as
expected.  Maybe there was a lingering font connection to
the previous XWin.exe.

Thanks for the fix,


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