Daniel Bienstock wrote:


I have a new Dell Dimension M6600 with Windows 7 SP 1. I have disabled the Windows firewall and added rules to allow programs in cygwin and cygwin\bin to run.

I am using cygwin 1.7.9 (I also use older cygwins on many 32-bit Windows machines).

On this machine, X runs badly: often very slowly, and frequently with crashes as well. A couple of times I was forced to reboot the machine -- Windows appeared unresponsive.

I did try rebaseall, but did not help (in fact had to reinstall cygwin).

I have seen some posts on this topic, but no definitive workaround.

        This may be entire unhelpful, but is mentioned as a
datapoint only,
I have X on Win7 working with
cygwin 1.4.2-1
xorg-server 1.8.0-1
xorg-server-dmx 1.8.0-.1

(and lots of other packages from that era

I tried upgrading to latest, and nothing worked.
No bash, No X, -- rebase died didn't solve anything
I reverted as didn't have the time to track down all the
problems of such a large update.

I'd like to try updating packages 1-by-1, but that's not
easily supported through setup (it selects all, and there's
no way to unselect the 100+ updates except by repetitious mouse
clicks (keyboard accel's didn't function).

My wrists warned me to quit.

Dunno wazzup w/newer versions as I'm sure many use them
with no difficulties, BUT, the version I have now works
with what I currently have installed (BLODA, though I don't
think  I have anything that falls into that category, given it's
"precise definition", it's hard to tell from day-to-day).

So things keep changing in both Win7, and cygwin, (and my server,
that I upgraded to a changed samba(3.6) hasn't done me any
favors in tracking down all my little nuisances....

Note, it's generally the cyg-support way to blame things on the
user or tell them they can use the source and fix it themselves.

Tried that 3 times, insufficiently documented and/or included
too many assumptions about user's environment for me to replicate.
(Doesn't mean I won't try again some day, but fixing my samba server
handing out Domain GUID's is higher prio -- as is writing my script
to create auto-snap-shots of my home-dir on linux with LSM and rsynch
that are mounted w/samba so as to show up as "previous versions" of
changed files....

(and of course, those tasks are always getting interrupted as well...
nested so damn deep, I've my overflow counter has wrapped.

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