I've read in http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using-shared-memory.html hat cygwin 
supports shared memory, but: "Note: for Cygwin 1.5 only". I ask me whether the 
documentation refers only to older versions of cygwin or also to newer versions 
1.6 and 1.7.

Who knows the answer? 

If 1.7 does not support shared memory, so I have to install legacy version 1.5 
(see http://www.cygwin.com/win-9x.html ), right?  I've just installed the  
latest version 1.7.x , so I uninstall this version (by deleting c:\cygwin, 
right?) an  I install the setup-legacy.exe , right?

Why I need shared memory? - Because the extreme fast picture viewer kuickshow 
from KDE only works with shared memory, all picture are black. Kuckshow 
      Xlib:  extension "MIT-SHM" missing on display "".
Other picture viewer are not so fast, so I urgently need kuickshow. 


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