On 22/11/2011 12:27 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
On 21 November 2011 23:45, Ryan Johnson wrote:
On 21/11/2011 4:25 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Ryan Johnson wrote:

Eh? Mouse copy/paste in mintty is identical to xterm AFAIK... select =
middle button = paste. If you're in a mouse-using terminal app you have
hold down [shift] but that's the same in xterm, I think.
Not on mine it isn't:

* double-click on word  hightlights, but does not copy
* middle button paste does work

In my xterms, I just have to double-click LMB to copy, then MMB pastes.
That's very strange... I can't tell you how many ad-hoc excel graphs I've
populated with numbers grabbed by double-click from experiment output.
Triple-clicking to get the whole line also comes in handy at times. I just
tested again in case it changed since yesterday, and it still works for me.
Options ->  Mouse ->  Copy on select

This is on by default these days, but wasn't originally. Evidence
again that functionality that isn't enabled by default might as well
not be there as far as most users are concerned. Speaking of which, my
own favourite mintty feature is 'Clicks place command line cursor' on
the same page, which can greatly speed up navigating long command
Holy smokes Batman! How long has that been there? A quick test confirms that it also works for readline-enabled app prompts (python, gnuplot, gdb). And here I've been copying long commands to notepad for editing all this time...

Too bad screen spoils the fun for the prompts it manages.


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