On 11/30/2011 9:09 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 11/29/2011 10:51 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
On Sat, 2011-11-26 at 08:40 -0500, Ken Brown wrote:
On 11/25/2011 7:38 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
When I build emacs against gtk3, it is unusable. Here are the symptoms
when the resulting emacs is started in an xterm window:

$ ./emacs -Q&
[1] 3344

(emacs:3344): GLib-WARNING **: In call to g_spawn_sync(), exit
status of
a child process was requested but SIGCHLD action was set to SIG_IGN and
ECHILD was received by waitpid(), so exit status can't be returned.
is a bug in the program calling g_spawn_sync(); either don't request
exit status, or don't set the SIGCHLD action.

** (emacs:3344): WARNING **: Abnormal program termination spawning
command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=0b8f184fe6d82872ee8db8724ecfdb90
--binary-syntax --close-stderr':

I think the pango warning is Cygwin specific, but the rest of it might
not be. Similar symptoms were reported on Fedora:


This appears to be the same bug. The solution is to launch a DBus
session bus *before* starting emacs (or any other gtk3 programs for that
matter), IOW:

$ eval `dbus-launch --sh-syntax`
$ emacs-X11&

That gets rid of the warning, but emacs still dies after a few seconds
(no error message, no stackdump), unless I uninstall dconf-service. I'll
see if I can get more information by running emacs under gdb. I'd
appreciate any suggestions you might have as to where I should look.

I forgot to say in my first post that the emacs I'm testing is a pretest
of the upcoming emacs-24.1. If I'm not able to figure out what's going
on, maybe I'll make an experimental version available so that you can
try to reproduce the problem.

I have some further information: The problem is related to the GSettings backend. If I uninstall dconf-service and start emacs, I get a warning that the GSettings `memory' backend will be used. Emacs then works fine. If I reinstall dconf-service but set GSETTINGS_BACKEND=memory before starting emacs, it again works fine. Does this provide any clue as to what the problem might be?


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