On 19-Jan-2012 06:58, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 17/01/2012 19:58, mathog wrote:

This one works on the Mandriva X11 server


but it doesn't work on the Cygwin X11 server. The file name there must be

The problem seems to be that the font naming convention is slightly
different.  There
are 3 fields between 120 and iso8859 on the Mandriva machine, but 4 on
Cygwin/X.  Change in
the font naming conventions between different Xorg versions???

These names should be XLFDs (X logical font descriptions [1]).

The first one doesn't look well-formed as it only has 13 fields.

Right. Oddly it has been like that for, I don't know, 20 years? Searched for new fonts
and it came back with 13 fields.

Sent you a set of fonts.dir/fonts.scale for urw font names in a direct email. (Didn't have an actual fonts.alias, but should be easy to make one from these files.)


David Mathog
Manager, Sequence Analysis Facility, Biology Division, Caltech

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