On 24/01/2012 8:17 AM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 23/01/2012 21:56, Paul Maier wrote:
On 22/01/2012 23:10, Paul Maier wrote:
Lenovo trackpoint scrolling events get buffered somewhere until I release the 
then I get hundreds of scrolling events all at once.

I can clearly see these events in xev.

Result is that I don't really experience scrolling, rather jumping up and down
with a random-like distance.

With trackpoint I mean that red button in the middle of a Lenovo laptop.

(Mouse wheel scrolling works perfect, in contrast.)
Have you tried the workaround given in [1] ?

According to the internet, the trackpoint driver tries to be too clever and
doesn't send WM_MOUSEWHEEL messages, but tries to fiddle with the Windows
scrollbars directly itself, which obviously isn't going to work well for an X
window :S

[1] http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html#q-trackpoint
I can't find any of the files tp4*.dat on my PC (I'm running Windows 7) - see 
console output below.
It seems that FAQ might need a little updating, that file might found under
%PROGRAMFILES% now, C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\TP4table.dat or
C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Trackpoint\tp4table.dat for example.

I've done this with mintty on my machine as follows:
--- TP4scrol-orig.dat   2011-12-11 16:33:22.742741700 -0500
+++ TP4scrol.dat        2011-12-30 00:59:46.793965200 -0500
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 ; Pass 0 rules (These rules run first)

+; mintty
 ; Windows IE3 patch for 2 button systems
*,*,iexplore.exe,*,Shell DocObject View,HTML_Internet Explorer,Standard,0,5

I assume the line for X apps would be the similar. Note that you have to put the same line in TP4table.dat, then kill and restart all the TP* processes. One of them (sorry, can't remember which) is the "parent" process and will start the others if it sees they're missing.

Good luck!

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