On 11/04/2012 11:23, Eliot Moss wrote:
> When I start XWin using xlaunch, trying to the start
> programs from the .XWinrc popup menu (right-click on
> the X icon, left-click on the program's entry in the
> menu), programs do not start.  I get only those programs
> started by my script that I told xlaunch to run.
> I would like to use xlaunch, since it solves the issue
> I had with the startxwin taskbar icon being visible
> (when I claim it should not be, and it didn't use to
> be), but not being able to start additional programs
> makes this approach less useable.
> Looking at this from outside, it is hard to say whether
> the real issue is in xlaunch, in XWin, or the result of
> some misunderstanding between them.

At the moment, the output from processes started from the notification area
icon doesn't go anywhere useful, which can make it hard to debug problems with
processes started this way.

I've added some code to capture stdout and stderr from these subprocesses to
the X server log, and to more clearly diagnose problems which could occur
while fork/exec-ing them.

Perhaps you could try the snapshot at [1] and see if this gives a bit more
information about why these processes are failing?

[1] ftp://cygwin.com/pub/cygwinx/XWin.20120423-git-638383315ef51e46.exe.bz2

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