On 5/17/2012 3:59 PM, Chillosaurus wrote:

I try to run octave in cygwin, which works fine, but if I want to draw a plot
it doesn't open a new window.
I'm a beginner with cygwin and unix-environments and was not able to find an
understandable solution.
Starting octave i get the following error:
warning: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
Typing "startx" I get the following:
xauth: (stdin):1:  bad "add" command line
[dix] Could not init font path element /usr/share/fonts/OTF/, removing from
The XKEYBOARD keymap compiler (xkbcomp) reports:
Warning:          Type "ONE_LEVEL" has 1 levels, but<RALT>  has 2 symbols
                   Ignoring extra symbols
Errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the X server
winBlockHandler - pthread_mutex_unlock()
Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keyInvalid

I had this error message starting matlab, can that be fixed, is this the
same problem or a different one?
Warning: No display specified.  You will not be able to display graphics on
the screen.

thanks a lot

octave graphics need X running so please follows


so we can understand you X server issue.

Instead of startx you can also try startxwin
directly or though the "X Win Server" icon on the start menu.
Or the new experimental xlaunch (in package xlaunch)


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