I've found a better workaround for this problem which works without
needing to calculate the correct placement of a remedial xterm.

Install the xsetroot package and run the following once the X server
has started up:

# Traditional X11 X-shaped cursor
xsetroot -cursor_name X_cursor


# Normal left-pointing arrow cursor
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr

Setting the cursor in this way fixes both the keyboard focus and
missing pointer problems.

Also - can anyone tell me how to respond correctly to messages in a
digest or from the mailing list archive? I've just pasted in the
subject heading for this email and Scott's original email below (minus
the email addresses), but I'm guessing this email won't show up in the
right thread location in the overal email structure of the archive.



From: Scott Merrilees
Date: Thu, 14 Jun 2012 16:05:22 +1000
Subject: Re: startx - no keyboard or mouse focus with single xterm,
repeatable error
I upgraded yesterday, and am similarly afflicted

Thanks Patrick for a workaround, +200+200 works for me.

Mario's suggestion of startxwin doesn't solve the problem because
startxwin doesn't allow single root window mode.

Another minimal way to demonstrate the problem:

   DISPLAY=:0; export DISPLAY
   XWin &
   twm &

notice that twm doesn't have focus, and pressing button1 on the root
window doesn't show a menu.
Howewver if you then force twm to ask where to place a window by doing:

   xclock &

then once the window has been placed I can see the button1 menu, and
subsequent xterms etc work properly.

When I tried fvwm as an alternative window manager, it worked ok.
Scott Merrilees

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