I'm unfamiliar with X but I've been digging around the source code to
see if I can find anything.
It seems like all of the text drawing is done by functions in dixfont.c,
is this correct? Is there a different rasterizer between normal and
multiwindowed mode?
I tried specifying all of the various options available through the
-engine parameter, such as '-engine 1' but with no change.
On 6/11/2013 4:08 PM, Matt D. wrote:
To add some additional information, I am having the font rendering issue
when connecting my X session to a remote CentOS 6.4 machine. I cannot
duplicate the issue when running applications locally through Cygwin.
I'm having some trouble narrowing this down but here are the results of
my tests:
Remote X font rendering changed:
gedit 2.28.4 (Consolas)
gedit 2.28.4 (DejaVu Sans Mono)
Eclipse 4.2 (Consolas)
gtk-demo (GTK2)
Local font rendering unchanged:
gedit 3.6.2 (Consolas)
gtk-demo (GTK2)
> Are you sure this odd rendering appears on all applications, and
> isn't tied to a particular toolkit (Qt, gtk, etc. )?
I don't have any good candidates to test this with, as I'm only familiar
with gtk applications.
Attached are the results from xdpyinfo.
On 6/11/2013 2:03 PM, Jon TURNEY wrote:
On 11/06/2013 08:14, Matt D. wrote:
When running applications with a full-screen or -rootless X session,
look fine. But when running the same application using the -multiwindow
switch, fonts are rendered oddly and are difficult to read.
Here are some examples:
Correct (full screen or rootless):
Incorrect (multiwindow):
I prefer running as multiwindow because each application has its own
window for focus. In rootless mode all of the X windows come to the
front when
one is selected.
Does anyone know why fonts are rendering differently? Can this be fixed?
Thanks for reporting this issue.
This is pretty odd. I have no idea what the cause is.
Are you sure this odd rendering appears on all applications, and isn't
tied to
a particular toolkit (Qt, gtk, etc. )?
You might start by looking at the dimensions and dpi details for
"screen #0"
reported by xdpyinfo, and see if there is a difference between these
two modes.
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